10/11: Consideration for Immigrants in Durango Police Department’s Strategic Plan

How can the Durango Police Department best serve our community’s needs?  The Durango Police Department is developing a comprehensive strategic plan focusing on how the Police Department can best serve the community through the creation of a safe and secure environment that will support everyone’s quality of life.  The Police Department requests that residents share their perspective regarding the comprehensive strategic plan.  Durango’s immigrant community should be considered in this plan. 

SUGGESTED MEMBER SCRIPT:  “I’m writing to request that the Durango Police Department take the needs of our immigrant community into consideration in its new strategic plan. Please continue to maintain an open and friendly relationship with the immigrant community, both documented and undocumented, so they will feel safe, free to report crime, and have trust in the police department.  A foundation of trust leads to better policing.  The Durango Police Department should not be in the position of enforcing national immigration laws.”

WHO TO CONTACT:  The Durango Police Department.  Residents may provide input as it relates to the police department’s strategic plan by filling out an online survey on the City of Durango’s Virtual City Hall website (you  need to register first for “Peak Democracy”, click on “Durango Police Department Community Input”, click on “Go to the Topic”, & click on “Take the Survey”) or by sending their thoughts to cindi.taylor@durangogov.org or www.facebook.com/DurangoPolice

WHEN IS MEMBER TO WRITE:  As soon as possible and before 6 PM on October 24, 2017

WHY THIS IS IMPORTANT:  Immigrants need to feel safe, have trust in the Durango Police Department, and not see the police as extensions of ICE.

For further information, click on links below:
October 5, 2017 Durango Herald “Durango Police praised, told to smile more”: https://durangoherald.com/articles/187387

October 1, 2017 Durango Herald “Durango Police Department wants to hear from you”: https://durangoherald.com/articles/186833