10/13: Attend Oct. 17 City Council Meeting In Support of Transitioning Durango To 100% Renewable Energy!

Durango City Council Meeting

Tuesday, October 17th, 6:00pm

Durango City Hall
949 E. 2nd Ave, Durango, CO

Over the last several weeks, 850+ citizen and 80+ business signatures have been collected in support of transitioning Durango to 100% renewable energy by 2050.
It’s time to present the signatures to the Durango City Council and your help is needed! 
On Wednesday, City Council is meeting with the La Plata Electric Association (LPEA) Board of Directors for their yearly lunch. The City buys their power from LPEA. This lunch is the perfect opportunity for the City to kickstart a conversation about how the two groups can collaborate to meet the goals of our petition.

PROCESS: At the beginning of every City Council meeting there is time for public comment (up to 5 mins per person). A representative will present the signatures first, explaining the request. After, anyone who wishes can speak in support of the request.
** People are needed to just fill the room in support too! Come even if you don’t wish to speak.

●      Our community is very excited about moving toward a renewable energy future. The over 850 citizen and 85 business signatures we’ve collected prove this.
●      We see the City as an ally and hope the City can be a voice for us to LPEA to represent our desires and concerns and find a way to build this renewable energy future.
●      Other co-ops in the area (namely Kit Carson Co-op in Taos) have found a way to provide a renewable energy future for their members that will lower rates significantly over time. It’s critical that LPEA begin looking into this, with the City at its side.