Monthly Archives: May 2017

Income, Taxes & Your Money

5/31: H.R. 10 Dismantles the Dodd-Frank Act

H.R. 10 would dismantle the 2010 Wall Street reform legislation, known as the Dodd-Frank Act. This law created the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), an agency committed to protecting consumers and making sure that banks, lenders, and other financial institutions treat you fairly.

Civil Rights Committee

5/30: Thank You Sen. Bennet for LGBTQ Legislation!

Thank you to Senator Bennet for Re-introduction of LGBTQ non-discrimination legislation.Every American should have the right to enjoy the protections and opportunities of citizenship regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity. The Equality Act of 2017 should ban discrimination in employment,

Environment & Climate Committee

5/23: Regulatory Accountability Act (RAA)

# S. 951 – This bill would undermine the entire system of public protections that Americans rely on for clean air, potable water, safe food and workplaces as well as financial stability. The RAA would give special interests numerous tools to delay or more likely stop important protections through endless delay and litigation.

Gun Safety Committee

5/22: Attend the #WearOrange Rally On June 3

Colorado has the 7th highest suicide rate in the country and typically more than half of these deaths involve firearms!  More than 500 Coloradans took their own lives with a firearm in 2014.  We need to work together to promote safe gun storage and the BeSMART program to protect our kids and teens.

Public Lands Committee

5/19: Public Comment by May 26 on Bears Ears National Monument

An executive order signed last month by President Donald Trump directs Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke to review 27 national monuments established or expanded by three other presidents since 1996.

Public Comment Period on Bears Ears ONLY OPEN until May 26,

Environment & Climate Committee

5/20: Colorado Public Lands Day

Canyons of the Ancients National Monument will be waiving entrance fees all day. If you’re active on social media on Saturday, make sure to post your favorite photos of any public lands and use the hashtag: #copubliclandsday

Service Hike, Castle Rock/Elbert Creek Trail,