5/18: Force A House Vote to Get Trump’s Tax Returns
It’s imperative that Americans know what Trump’s tax returns say about his financial ties and interests.
House Democrats are using a parliamentary procedure known as a discharge petition to force the Presidential Tax Transparency Act to a vote on the House floor. This legislation would require President Trump, as well as all future presidents and major party candidates, to release the last three years of their tax returns.
Right now, the bill, HR 305, is stuck in committee. And that’s where House Speaker Paul Ryan wants it to stay. If a majority (218) of the members of the House of Representatives sign the discharge petition it must be scheduled for a vote in the full House.
Please take action today by contacting your U.S. Representative and urge them to sign the HR 305 discharge petition and to co-sponsor the bill!
- Representative Scott Tipton
(970) 259-1490 (Durango) 202-225-4761 (DC Office)