12/9: Demand Congress Oppose a Mueller Firing
Our government is nearing a constitutional crisis in which the President may willfully choose to violate the constitution. With his lawyer publicly suggesting that Trump is above the law, the threat that he’ll fire Mueller looms large.
(via: https://5calls.org/issue/oppose-mueller-firing)
Hi, my name is [NAME] and I’m a constituent from [ZIP].
[IF CALLING SENATE] I’m calling to urge Senator Cory Gardner or Senator Michael Bennet to support S.1735, the Special Counsel Independence Protection Act, and make a public statement that the firing of Special Counsel Mueller by Trump would be completely unacceptable. It’s the duty of Congress to serve as a check on Trump and prevent him from sending our democracy into a tailspin.
[IF CALLING HOUSE] I’m calling to urge Rep. Scott Tipton to make a public statement that the firing of Special Counsel Mueller by Trump would be completely unacceptable. It’s the duty of Congress to serve as a check on Trump and prevent him from sending our democracy into a tailspin.
- Senator Michael Bennet
(970) 259-1710 (Durango) (202) 224-5852 (DC Office)
- Senator Cory Gardner
(970) 415-7416 (Durango) (202) 224-5941 (DC Office)
- Representative Scott Tipton
(970) 259-1490 (Durango) 202-225-4761 (DC Office)
WHEN TO CALL OR WRITE : Immediately & Ongoing
WHY THIS IS IMPORTANT (from 5Calls.org):
In Congress, Republicans have hinted they want to wind down their own investigations of Russian collusion by the end of 2017 and have shifted current investigations toward Hillary Clinton. Clearly, Republicans are doubling down on their loyalty to this troubled administration and are attempting to diminish, obscure or outright kill the investigations of Trump’s Russia ties. This obstructionism must be met with a clear, unequivocal commitment by Congress to let Mueller do his job. Without making clear that Trump will face consequences, legally or politically, for possible collusion with Russia in the 2016 elections, they are essentially giving Trump the green light to continue to abuse his power and end Mueller’s investigation.
Cory Booker (D-NJ) and Lindsey Graham (R-SC) have introduced bipartisan legislation to limit Trump’s ability to fire Mueller, providing the investigation the protection it needs from an unpredictable president. As Mueller’s team pursues action against criminal perpetrators in the Russia investigation, every member of Congress must allow the legal process to proceed to its natural conclusion.
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