6/1 : National Parks & other US Land Management Agencies at Risk!
The White Hosue is asking for public input on proposed reorganization of the Federal Executive Branch. In March President Trump signed an Executive Order designed to reorganize the executive branch of the federal government, prioritizing improving “efficiency, effectiveness, and accountability”. To begin the process of implementing this Executive Order, the White House has asked for public input.
The Executive Branch is responsible for carrying out the laws and in addition to the President and his cabinet, includes the heads of 15 executive departments, among which are Secretary of Agriculture, Secretary of Energy, Secretary of the Interior, Secretary of State, and many others.
All of these play important roles in the functions of our government.
Go to the White House website , choose Participate (top menu), choose Reorganizing Executive Branch, and below text,where asked to select agencies you would like to reform or eliminate, choose NONE, and where you are asked why you’ve made your choices select “-NA-“.
In spaces provided for comments, share your reasons or ideas letting the Trump administration know that they should not only keep our land management agencies whole — but give them much-needed and long-delayed funding to do the critical conservation work our public lands need.
The White House: https://www.whitehouse.gov/reorganizing-the-executive-branch
The closing date for Public Response is June 12, 2017.
For further information:
The Wilderness Society provides information on this issue here: https://shar.es/1RHAzh
Read the Executive Order here: https://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/2017/03/13/presidential-executive-order-comprehensive-plan-reorganizing-executive