2/28: Comments For Downsized Bears Ears & Revised Grand Staircase/Escalante National Monuments By 3/19

# 1:  BLM Seeking Public Input in Developing Management Plans for Downsized Bears Ears National Monument Units
Name of Issue:  Input on downsized Bears Ears National Monument Plan

Despite the unresolved legal issues in President Trump’s proclamation to downsize Bears Ears National Monument into two separate units: Shash Jáa and Indian Creek, BLM is seeking public comment on management plans. No announcement of public scoping meetings has been made, leaving March 19, 2018 as the operative deadline for comments.

So much could be said about this public lands travesty, but BLM has limited comments to “relevant issues” and will disregard comments questioning the legality of the downsizing as “Issues beyond the scope of these plans.”

Recommended Comments:
We recommend a commentary strategy that emphasizes your specific resource protection priorities within the proposed smaller boundaries (e.g. Comb Ridge), as well as the protection and management of four boundary-less resource issues:

1) Sacred Sites and Traditional Cultural Properties
2) Soundscape: Preservation of Quietude
3) Dark Skies
: Opportunity to see stars, planets, celestial phenomena

4) Viewshed: Visual Resources, Air Quality. Sense of the vast landscape
5) Other topics: could include grazing, transportation, riparian protection, etc.
BLM should be required to inventory, measure, and protect soundscape, dark sky, and viewshed resources at the Monument unit boundaries. This would hopefully reduce the likelihood of industrial development immediately outside the units.The American Indian Religious Freedom Act (AIRFA) of 1978 requires federal agencies to evaluate its policies and procedures with the aim of protecting the religious freedoms of Native Americans. This law is violated by adoption of any management plan that fails to offer sufficient protections for the soundscape, dark skies, and viewshed.

More information, and links for submitting your comments can be found at


#2:  BLM Seeking Public Input in Developing Management Plans for Revised Grand Staircase/Escalante National Monument

Name of Issue:  Input on revised Grand Staircase /  Escalante National Monument Plan

Background: Despite the unresolved legal issues in President Trump’s proclamation to revise Grand Staircase/Escalante National Monument (GSENM) into three separate units: Escalante Canyon, Grand Staircase, and Kaiparowits national monuments, BLM is seeking public comment on management plans. No announcement of public scoping meetings has been made, leaving March 19, 2018 as the operative deadline for comments.

This management plan differs from the Bears Ears plan as itincludes lands within the original monument boundaries, but now outside the three separate units. BLM is specifically seeking coal lease applications within these areas. Such industrial activities would fundamentally alter the wild character of the entire monument region. Mineral resource management issues are critically important for the protection of surface resources.

We recommend a commentary strategy that emphasizes your specific resource protection priorities within the original monument, as well as the protection and management of three boundary-less resource issues:
1) Soundscape (Preservation of Quietude)
2) Dark Skies (Opportunity to see stars, planets, celestial phenomena)
3) Viewshed (Visual Resources, Air Quality. Sense of the vast landscape)

Unique paleontological resources of GSENM deserve particular emphasis. Other topics could include grazing, transportation, riparian protection, T&E species, etc.
BLM should be required to inventory, measure, and protect soundscape, dark sky, and
viewshed resources at each of the monument’s boundaries. This would hopefully reduce the likelihood of industrial development immediately outside the monuments.For more information go to https://eplanning.blm.gov/epl-front-office/eplanning/planAndProjectSite.do?methodName=renderDefaultPlanOrProjectSite&projectId=94706&dctmId=0b0003e881033dcd

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